A pro-Kremlin Telegram channel has reported that a bridge over the Seym River at Glushkovo, in the Kursk region, has collapsed, showing images of the bridge and quoting an adviser to the acting governor of the region.
We have looked for previous versions of these images online and believe they must have been first posted online this afternoon.
Details in the image, such as the fencing along the side appear to match video we’ve seen of the bridge when it was still intact.
This isn’t the first time the bridge has been struck. Yesterday, a separate pro-Russian channel reported that the bridge had been hit “again” and remained up, while a video showed damage sustained to the road surface.
We can’t verify who struck the bridge and what other damage was caused.
Some more news on the bridge collapse over the Seym River of the Kursk region of Russia.
The region’s acting governor, Alexsei Smirnov, says the bridge collapsed as a result of a Ukrainian strike in a statement on Telegram.
It’s believed that the bridge’s collapse will make it harder for Russia to supply their troops in the area.